Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tamantha 21st bday part 1

We celebrated my 21st birthday by going out to dinner with some friends. I had my first legal alcoholic drink while we were out. It was a good dinner and the restaurant sang to me which was a lot of fun. Oh the desert was delicious too. After that we went to a liquor store so i could buy my first drink their too. Jakey bought me an ice-cream cake from baskin robins so we had cake at home. For my birthday present I got an acu purse i have been wanting from Jacob and a pair of sparkley Justin sandles from my parents. All together it was a great birthday,but its not quite over. Part 2 of my 21st b day will happen next time im home so me and all my Colorado peeps and my besty can celebrate too.

July 4th

July forth was a ton of fun. We went and bought fireworks a few days before and still ended up getting some that day too. Even though it doesn't get dark here in Alaska we had cloud cover so we were still able to see the fireworks pretty good. We did a lot of smoke bombs and para troopers so it was fun cleaning it all up.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Jacob got Promoted

Well everybody as of yesterday Jacob got promoted to a specialist and I am very proud. The ceremony was pretty low key and one other soldier got promoted as well. I got to pin him and that was such an honor. Basically the way it worked was we showed up and after the unit got into formation the sgt. said a few things and then Jacob and the other soldier went to the front. Then while some words were being read to the soldiers I went up took Jacobs old rank off and replaced it with a new rank. After that everyone goes up and congratulates the soldiers usually by punching their new rank. It was so cool to be a part of it and I am so proud that Jacob has done so much to get to this point.